Archaeolab Patras is located in the center of the city, in a 1.5 acre area. The simulation of the excavation concerns a Mycenaean house from the Bronze Age, with individual storage, residential and laboratory spaces where the children are invited to reveal among others architectural elements (wall / floor remnants), storages and their contents, constructions and preparation utensils and production of the food (kitchen), bath, loom residues, Mycenaean archive (linear B signs), etc. The remains of the cultural material contained in the excavation provide clear indications on the characteristics of the Myceneans and the Mycenaean society and lifestyle.

In addition to the excavation simulation training program, a variety of experimental archeology and art workshops are also being implemented, aimed at families and educational institutions.
During the Summer and Easter holidays there is daily, except Saturday and Sunday, a summer camp with a variety of content.

Our workshop bring children into contact with different materials and techniques and to discover their true interests and inclinations in an environment that supports their innate tendency to learn and respects the individuality of each personality.
Archaeolab’s space is also available for children’s parties, with the choice of personalized programs tailored to the specific interests of each child.